Interested in Becoming Apart of Our Roster?

We are keeping with the tradition of great theatre companies, such as the Negro Ensemble Company, which provided a platform and groomed some of the world's top notch actors/actresses. Therefore, Harkins House Productions is interested in working with gifted people regardless of experience. It is our belief that the only difference between a professional actor and an amateur actor is notoriety. As long as the desire and the work ethic is present, you will have a chance to follow your dream as an actor. Considering that we work with some accomplished acting coaches, there will be opportunities to earn training as well as hone your skills in our productions.
While we encourage all of those with a desire to act, we wholeheartedly expect to work with individuals who are serious about learning the craft and committing fully to the work. Preparing for a stage production requires a great deal of time, patience and commitment, therefore we do not recommend submitting a form for consideration merely because you 'just want to be in a play'.
Should you be selected for a role in one of our upcoming productions, further information regarding compensation, scheduling, rehearsals, etc will be provided.
*Please note that the audition form opens in a new window. Make sure the pop up blocker is disabled on your browser before opening. It is recommended that you submit this form using a desktop or laptop computer as tablets and smartphones may not be able to open the link.
While we encourage all of those with a desire to act, we wholeheartedly expect to work with individuals who are serious about learning the craft and committing fully to the work. Preparing for a stage production requires a great deal of time, patience and commitment, therefore we do not recommend submitting a form for consideration merely because you 'just want to be in a play'.
Should you be selected for a role in one of our upcoming productions, further information regarding compensation, scheduling, rehearsals, etc will be provided.
*Please note that the audition form opens in a new window. Make sure the pop up blocker is disabled on your browser before opening. It is recommended that you submit this form using a desktop or laptop computer as tablets and smartphones may not be able to open the link.
Audition Opportunity
This stageplay is set in the mid to late 70s however the messages conveyed are timeless. The story is multi-textured and will require actors/actresses to understand some ancient concepts of spirituality and history. Please click the link above for the HHP Audition form.
Available Roles:
Queenie Tate
Age: 35-45
Eccentric, Beautiful, Graceful, & Observant
Mari Tate
Age: 30-40
Slightly flashy, Cafe Woman/Party Girl
Richard Parker
Age: 30-40
Handsome, Serious Demeanor
Asa Michaels
Age: 35-45
Tall, Slendar & Muscular Build, Seductive
Woman in Green
Age: 30-40
Distraught, Angry, Confrontational
Available Roles:
Queenie Tate
Age: 35-45
Eccentric, Beautiful, Graceful, & Observant
Mari Tate
Age: 30-40
Slightly flashy, Cafe Woman/Party Girl
Richard Parker
Age: 30-40
Handsome, Serious Demeanor
Asa Michaels
Age: 35-45
Tall, Slendar & Muscular Build, Seductive
Woman in Green
Age: 30-40
Distraught, Angry, Confrontational